
  • As the player, your goal is to reach the top of the tower.
  • Use the ‘A’ and ‘D’ keys to move left and right.
  • Press Space to jump.
  • Press the left mouse button to use your special boost action
  • Press ‘P’ to pause

Demo Video:

Story Setting:

  • “The Hero Knight has stumbled across the fabled Tower of Treasure. Help him climb to the top to claim the treasure within.
    The Hero Knight wields a sword from the Great Wizard that allows him to propel himself to great heights. Use this sword to help in your quest.”

Game Play Goal:

  • A game can fulfill many niches and be played in all kinds of ways. For our game, we have created and developed a 2D platforming game made especially for those who want to challenge themselves with difficult platforming. It invokes the user’s problem solving skills and forces them to quickly assess the situation and react accordingly to the obstacles. While the game is challenging, it is frustratingly fun, meaning that the players may find it frustrating to make progress, but will find it incredibly rewarding once they reach the end.
  • The main gameplay loop involves just a singular vertical level, where the player must ascend to the top in order to reach the goal. This vertical path is structured in such a way where a misstep in platforming can lead to the player falling all the way down to the bottom, where they must remake all their progress back from where they landed. This causes the player to carefully plan out their choices instead of carelessly rushing in guns blazing. With this in mind, the player is rewarded for performing precision jumps and precise landing. All of this will make the player feel accomplished for their endeavors.
  • This game is designed to be a Rage game. The large gaps are designed intentionally to make you fall very far down and lose your progress, but with time and skill you should be able to reach the goal.



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